Dating Harwood Baseballs


The Professional League baseball has the first know Harwood logo on it. This original logo was used from 1910-1921. 


The Boss Harwood with the first know Harwood logo. The Boss was a small ball and produce through 1936. In 1936 the Boss was referenced as the Dandy. 


In 1921 Harwood introduced their second logo. This logo and simple serif type treatment lasted for just over ten years. 


In 1939 Harwood updated the label to a more unique design. This design is the most popular version of the Harwood National League Double Cover. Note the bowtie shape of the words National League. 


Harwood & Sons were known to deliver baseballs all over the world so our armed forces could play ball! 


In 1950 Harwood changed their label to a san serif font however kept the unique bowtie shape to the words National League. No. ONCC (Official National Cushioned Cork)


Harwood No. CC (Cushioned Cork) 100th year anniversary ball , referenced as THE ABSOLUTELY BEST Official League Baseball.


In 1958 No. AA / No. ML (the 100th Anniversary of Harwood) a variety of new labels were created. This Official League with the curly L was produce for the next 10+ years.  NOTE: Horsehide is one word. 


No. 94 Official League Ball
Cushioned cork center wound with good quality wool yarns, covered with alum tanned horsehide cemented to the ball, and double stitched with five cord red thread. Individually baxed and sealed.



No. 1X Official League Ball

NOTE: Cushioned Cork Center on two lines. 


Harwood – World’s first and oldest exclusive manufacturers of the finest official baseballs & softballs. The ball sold for $3.75 and $31.00 per dozen.

NOTE: The Harwood stamp is smaller.


No. 407 Official League Ball

NOTE: The Harwood stamp is smaller.

Date Unknown

Harwood Official League No. CC Georgia Haiti ball.